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Mythai Kittens

The 13th Mythai litter was born 8.5.2007
Sire: PR&EC Pipsa's Chaou-Nah
Dame: EC Mythai Wang Kaang Raang

PR Mythai Glai Pen Ngam, male
Owner: Salla Saarman
"Hannes" (a.k.a "Nuno") lives in
Helsinki with a house cat. He
is shown sometimes.

Mythai Hah Bpra-Mat, male
Owner: Carita Lehtniemi
"Nuutti" also lives in Helsinki
with a female Korat.

Mythai It Tipon Tong, male
8.5.2007 - 29.5.2011
Owner: Milja Taivainen
"Vertti" lived in Helsinki with a another Korat,
but unfortunately he passed away all too soon.


PR&EC Pipsa's Chaou-Nah EC Mythai Wang Kaang Raang
Photos: Heikki Siltala

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great-Great-Grandparents
GIC (FIN) Pipsa's Chaou-Nah
GIP&GIC Lucky Uffe
Mytai Tucker
CH Ma Lex Chiz Son
Soigne's Queen of Hearts of Mytai
GIC Pimai Wan Ratana ICYang Chen Ma Hoo Who's, DM
EC Pimai Mon Siddhi
(FIN) Artist's Jit Jow-Yeeng
(FIN) Melodian pee chai noy IC Khawngnah's Chumley
PR&EC Jing's Melody-of-Love
(FIN) Poison's Lai Pee Dee
IP&EC (FIN) Tatsutan Garion Raja-Rsayah, DM
(FIN) Poison's Ii-na Meiro
GIC (FIN) Mythai Wang Kaang Raang
EC (FIN) Poison's Yak dek chai
IP&CH (FIN) Melodian pa yah yahm eek
IP&EC (FIN) Tatsutan Garion Raja-Rsayah, DM
PR&IC Soigne's Perfect Thai Ming
(FIN) Poison's O Gaht Chalerm
Chiangmai Pen
CH Pimai Pra Kwan Jai
EC (FIN) Mythai Op Oon Hoo-a Nah
(FIN) Mythai Mo-Ra-Kot Ma Hah
IP&CH Skarraghbrae Gigolo of Primprau
EP&EC (FIN) Poison's Fujin Gin Maihime
GIP&CH (FIN) Suchada Chatmanee SaiSoi Kot
IP&EC (FIN) Tatsutan Garion Raja-Rsayah, DM
(FIN) Suchada Chery Chery Mayk